This 4th of July, Angel Studios is releasing a sequel to their internationally acclaimed film Sound of Freedom. Inspired by the powerful true story, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, follows Donna and Reverend Martin as they ignite a fire in the hearts of their rural church to embrace kids in the foster system that nobody else would take. By doing the impossible–adopting 77 children–this East Texas community proved that, with real, determined love, the battle for America’s most vulnerable can be won.
Here in the Greater Sacramento Area we have over 2,000 children and teens in our local foster care system plus thousands of families struggling to meet their kids' needs. Not everyone is called to foster a child but as a community, there is something each one of us can do to make a difference.
SEe the film
Sound of Hope will be in select theaters at 6pm on Juneteenth (6/19) and will be released officially the week of 4th of July. To find a theater and showtimes near you, just click the link below. You'll also find information on this site about group discounts and private showings if you want to reserve a theater.
Get involved
Become a Movement Leader
We encourage leaders here in our community to join the Sound of Hope Movement & learn more about ways to mobilize people in your church, community service group or neighborhood to get involved.
To Join the Movement, fill out the contact form below and our team will provide resources for you and include you in a series of emails over the coming months with updates on the movie release and local show times plus easy ways to support vulnerable kids in the Sacramento Area through donation drives, mentoring, advocacy or becoming a foster/adoptive family.