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Here to help

As adoptive and foster parents, we know that this journey to care for children who have experienced trauma and loss early in life can be challenging.   We've complied the following list of resources to help you along the way but if you don't quite know where to begin feel free to check out our FAQ section here. If you have any questions or just want to connect with someone in person, please feel free to reach out to us!

Charlotte Fritz 

LMFT, Adoptive Parent, Alliance Leader





Assessment Tools

Assessment tools

What is developmental screening and why is it important?


Not every delay is visible to the eye. Developmental delays and disabilities, such as autism, emotional disturbances, speech and

language disorders often go undetected until a child enters elementary school. Study after study has shown that the earlier a delay is recognized and intervention is begun, the better the child’s chance of substantial improvement. Developmental screening is one of the best things you can do to ensure a child’s success in school and life (which is why so many organizations have made it a top priority.)  If you have a foster or adoptive child, make sure to ask your social worker if your child has been screened.

This questionnaire helps identify developmental progression in children between the ages of 1 month to 5 1/2 years. It will take parents 10-15 minutes to complete the form and a few minutes for professionals to score and assess the results.

Click HERE

This free online assessment document lists age appropriate milestones in social and emotional interactions, language/communication, and cognitive function along with tips to help parents enhance their child's development.

Click HERE

The CDC offers printable milestone checklists, lists of products to help children meeting various developmental goals, and other fun fact resources to print off.

Click HERE

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Child Dev. Services

child development services

Provides assessment and early intervention for infants & toddlers with disabilities/delays. Referral from a social worker required.

Click HERE

Head Start Programs

Provides high quality developmentally appropriate education programs with early intervention

& prevention programs for low income and foster children.

Placer County

Sacramento County

Yolo County

Provides developmental assessment and services for children 0-3 that do not qualify for Alta services. Parents can complete an initial assessment to document general developmental concerns.

Click HERE

Serves infant & toddlers (0-36 months) with delayed progress in one or more areas of development.

Click HERE

A public health nursing program to meet the medical, dental, mental and developmental needs of children and youth in foster care.

Click HERE

This clinic provides a range of therapy services to help children of all ages with a variety of special needs. The therapists are trained to work with Autism, Attention Disorders, Sensory Processing Disorder and others utilizing their state-of-the-art facility.

Click HERE

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Academic Support

Academic support & services

Weekly tutoring sessions for foster youth during the school year.

Click HERE

Provides support to struggling students, expedites transfer of educational records, and implements programs to improve academic achievement for foster youth.

Click HERE

Foster Care Education Fact Sheet with information about education rights, special education rights, non-public schools, functional behavioral assessments and behavioral intervention plans, school discipline, and special education discipline.

Click HERE

Learning Enrichment Activities Program (LEAP & LEAP Jr.) providing homework tutoring, kid-oriented enrichment activities, and workshops for kids 5-17 in Placer County.

Click HERE

Providing free homework assistance services, coding classes, ESL classes and STEM Development Workshops (understanding the critical role of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) to families in Placer County.

Click HERE

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Parent Education

parent education classes

Web-based educational adoption resources for professionals, parents, adopted individuals and the families who love them. ALP also offers Hague Accredited courses applicable in international adoptions.

Click HERE

Free parenting training for foster parents and interested non-foster parents. Their Independent Living Program (YESS) helps prepare foster youth, 16-21 years of age, for their move into independent adult living.

Click HERE

Quality pre-service/in-service education and support for Resource Families, Foster Families, and Kinship Caregivers either on campus or in the community at no cost to caregivers. All classes are free and open to the public.

Click HERE

Free classes and workshops for foster parents, kinship/relative care providers, and individuals interested in becoming foster parents or in adopting a child in Yolo County.

Click HERE

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Books/Bible Studies

parenting books

Karyn Purvis, David Cross (2007)

Welcoming adopted children into your family and addressing their special needs requires care, consideration, and compassion. This handbook helps you build bonds of affection and trust with your adopted child, effectively deal with any learning or behavioral disorders, and discipline your child in love without making him or her feel threatened. This book is a must read for adoptive families!

Deborah Gray (2012)

Attaching in Adoption is a comprehensive guide for prospective and actual adoptive parents on how to understand and care for their adopted child and promote healthy attachment. This book explains what attachment is, how grief and trauma can affect children's emotional development, and how to improve attachment, respect, cooperation and trust.

Bessel van der Kolk, MD (2014)

Trauma is a fact of life. Such experiences inevitably leave traces on minds, emotions, and even on biology. Sadly, trauma sufferers frequently pass on their stress to their partners and children. Renowned trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk transforms our understanding of traumatic stress, revealing how it literally rearranges the brain’s wiring—specifically areas dedicated to pleasure, engagement, control, and trust.

Daniel Siegel, Mary Hartzell (2013)

This book explains how interpersonal relationships directly impact the development of the brain and offer parents a step-by-step approach to forming a deeper understanding of their own life stories, which will help them raise compassionate and resilient children.

Carol Kranowitz, Lucy Jane Miller (2006)

This groundbreaking book explains Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), offers clear, comprehensive information for parents and professionals, and presents a drug-free approach for children--now revised and updated.

Bryan Post, Mark Trotter (2010)

Bryan Post speaks to parents about the challenges they face when dealing with behaviors that are often present for adopted children. He helps parents understand the impact of early life trauma and the impact of interruptions in the attachment process. In his compassion for parents and children he offers hope and solutions for the challenges families face when caring for kids from trauma or with ADD, ADHD, RAD, or ODD. 

Sherrie Eldridge (1999)

This extraordinary book, written by a woman who was adopted herself, gives voice to children's unspoken concerns, and shows adoptive parents how to free their kids from feelings of fear, abandonment, and shame.

Mike Berry (2018)

There are plenty of how-to guides out there on parenting, but this one-of-a-kind book is specifically designed to address your needs as a parent of an adopted or foster child with a refreshing dose of honesty, empathy, and care.

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Dr. Karyn Purvis, Michael & Amy Monroe (2009)

This study guide illuminates the biblical principles and interventions detailed in Dr. Purvis’ book, The Connected Child. It is designed to help adoptive and foster parents better understand how to build strong and lasting connections with their children, and is ideal for use in small groups as well as by individuals or couples.

Julie Holmquist (2018)

Are you considering or entering the adoption or foster care process? A Call to Love joins you in your journey, offering spirit-filled wisdom and encouragement through the first year with a new child. You will also receive spiritual insights from many adoptive parents, including stories from people who have adopted from the foster-care system.

Nadine Burke Harris (2018)

Childhood adversity changes our biological systems, and lasts a lifetime. For anyone who has faced a difficult childhood, or who cares about the millions of children who do, the fascinating scientific insight and innovative, acclaimed health interventions in The Deepest Well represent vitally important hope for preventing lifelong illness for those we love and for generations to come​.

Pam Parish (2014)

This biblically-centered book helps parents to consider the impact of foster care and adoption on their lives and families, evaluate their motives and expectations for the foster care and adoption experience, and explore foster care and adoption through the lens of scripture. Great for couples or group study.

Pam Parish (2015)

Parenting is a tough job and parenting a child in crisis leaves parents worn out from exhaustion, frustration and fear. God doesn't leave us, even in the midst of our fears, failures and fatigue. In this powerful second book in the Ready or Not Series, you will be encouraged and challenged as a battle-weary parent.

Russell Moore (2015)

In this popular and practical book, Russell Moore encourages Christians to adopt and to help other Christian families to do the same. He shows that adoption is not just about couples who have struggled to have children. Rather, adoption is part of the Great Commission mandate and as a sign of the gospel itself.

Jennifer Phillips (2017)

This book shares words of encouragement to help adoptive parents navigate the emotional waters of adoption. Regardless of where you are in the process, just beginning or now living with the teenagers you adopted as infants, you will find hope as you begin to see God's adoptive heart toward you.

Sally Donovan (2014)

Award-winning columnist and adoptive parent Sally Donovan offers savvy, compassionate advice on how to be 'good enough' in the face of both day-to-day and more bewildering challenges – how to respond to 'red mist' meltdowns, crippling anxieties about new routines and, most importantly, how to meet the intimidating challenge of being strong enough to protect and nurture your child.

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Online Resources

online resources

Continuing the incredible work of Dr. Karyn Purvis, TCU offers resources in Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI). This research-based institute focuses on training professionals and parents who deal with children from "hard places".

Online Resource Library of articles, audio and video presentations covering a wide variety of topics for adoptive and foster parents as well as ministry leaders and professionals. 

Provide the training, resources and support necessary to enable parents, educators, and treatment professionals to address the challenges of working with "intense" kids using the Nurtured Heart Approach.

The Christian Alliance for Orphans provides incredible resources for foster and adoptive families and church ministry leaders including articles, blogs, podcasts, webinars, and MORE!

Focus on the Family works collaboratively with state, county, church, and adoption agency leaders to help find families for waiting children and youth in foster care.  They also providing best-in-class resources for foster and adoptive families including books and DVD's.

C.A.S.E provides adoption-focused online resources designed to boost caregivers' confidence, enhance parenting skills, and guide adoptive families through any challenge they may face. Resources include workshops, webinars, a pocket guide, books and fact sheets.

Mike and Kristin Berry, adoptive parents of 8 children, offer hope for families in the trenches through their blog, eBooks, podcasts, and more!

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Support Groups

connection  / Support groups

Support Group Meeting

The Capital Adoptive Families Alliance provides monthly, peer-led support groups where members come together to share coping strategies, feel more empowered, and find a sense of community.

When: 4th Wednesday of each month, 6:30-8:30pm

Where: Sacramento


Click HERE for more info!

FASD-SacValley is a group of parents joining together to support, equip and encourage one another as we seek to parent children on the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum in the Sacramento Valley.

When: 3rd Thursday of each month, 6:30-8:30pm

Where: Woodland (Currently meeting on Zoom)


Click HERE for more info!

Heart to Heart Ministry offers a monthly support group that includes education and training on a variety of topics relevant to post-adoptive families.

When: 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30pm

Where: Valley Springs Presbyterian Church, Roseville  (Currently meeting on Zoom)

Contact: Joanne Jelle

Click HERE for more info!

ReVIVE Mom's Group -  is a support group for foster and adoptive moms caring for children from hard places (2nd Thursday of each month) 

ReFUEL Dad's Group - is a support group for foster and adoptive dads caring for children from hard places (3rd Monday of each month)

ReCHARGE Sibling Group -  is a safe place for birth children traveling the foster/adoptive journey alongside their parents to share their experiences and to support each other as foster/adoptive siblings (times vary)

ReROOTED Faith-Based Support Group - a Christ-centered support group for foster and adoptive moms (last Saturday of every month)

Where: Woodland (Currently on Zoom)


Click HERE for more info!

This group aims to support families who have foster and/or adopted vulnerable children by providing encouragement, practical support and a safe community.

When: 2nd Thursday of each month, 8-9pm

Where: Roseville (currently on Zoom)


Click HERE for more info!

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The Capital Adoptive Families Alliance provides monthly, peer-led support groups where members come together to share coping strategies, feel more empowered, and find a sense of community.

When: 4th Wednesday of each month, 6:30-8:30pm

Where: Sacramento


Click HERE for more info!

FASD-SacValley is a group of parents joining together to support, equip and encourage one another as we seek to parent children on the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum in the Sacramento Valley.

When: 3rd Thursday of each month, 6:30-8:30pm

Where: Woodland (Currently meeting on Zoom)


Click HERE for more info!

Heart to Heart Ministry offers a monthly support group that includes education and training on a variety of topics relevant to post-adoptive families.

When: 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30pm

Where: Valley Springs Presbyterian Church, Roseville  (Currently meeting on Zoom)

Contact: Joanne Jelle

Click HERE for more info!

ReVIVE Mom's Group -  is a support group for foster and adoptive moms caring for children from hard places (2nd Thursday of each month) 

ReFUEL Dad's Group - is a support group for foster and adoptive dads caring for children from hard places (3rd Monday of each month)

ReCHARGE Sibling Group -  is a safe place for birth children traveling the foster/adoptive journey alongside their parents to share their experiences and to support each other as foster/adoptive siblings (times vary)

ReROOTED Faith-Based Support Group - a Christ-centered support group for foster and adoptive moms (last Saturday of every month)

Where: Woodland (Currently on Zoom)


Click HERE for more info!

This group aims to support families who have foster and/or adopted vulnerable children by providing encouragement, practical support and a safe community.

When: 2nd Thursday of each month, 8-9pm

Where: Roseville (currently on Zoom)


Click HERE for more info!

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Defending the Cause Regional Alliance presents an annual conference to provide helpful tools for foster and adoptive families, caregivers, mentors, advocates, counselors, social workers and educators. Come be encouraged and equipped by experts in various fields that understand childhood trauma and work closely with children and teens from hard places.  

When: Held Annually each Fall

2020 Date: Saturday August 29th (8:30am-12pm)

ONLINE in 2020 

Empowered To Connect, together with Show Hope and The Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development at TCU, hosts the Empowered To Connect Conference — a two-day conference designed to help adoptive and foster parents, ministry leaders and professionals better understand how to connect with “children from hard places” in order to help them heal and become all that God desires for them to be.

When: Annually in early April (on a Friday/Saturday)

2018 Dates: April 13-14th

Location: Nashville, TN / Live Simulcast Options

The ​Refresh ​conference ​is ​designed ​for ​foster ​and ​adoptive ​parents, ​kinship ​providers, ​grandparents, ​and ​others ​who ​care ​for ​orphaned ​and ​vulnerable ​children. ​We ​understand ​firsthand ​that ​this ​journey ​can ​be ​difficult ​and ​lonely. ​The ​Refresh ​Conference ​is ​a ​time ​for ​you ​to ​escape ​from ​the ​distractions ​and ​chaos ​of ​life ​and ​be ​refreshed, ​equipped, ​and ​inspired.

When: Annually in early March (on a Friday/Saturday)

2018 Dates: March 1-3

Location: Redmond, WA

The Christian Alliance for Orphans has been hosting this conference annually since 2004. Now thousands of foster and adoptive families, orphan advocates, pastors and leaders from around the world gather together to worship, learn, connect, and grow! 

When: Annually in early May (Wednesday-Friday)

2018 Dates: May 9-11th, Dallas TX

Location: Rotating Nationally

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Conference Event
Respite Services

respite Care

Teacher and Kids in Library

CAFA offers free drop-off respite events throughout the year providing temporary relief for adoptive families caring for children with complex mental health issues who live in or have been adopted in Sacramento County. Events typically run from 11am-3pm.

For upcoming dates and to sign up click HERE

Providing respite, day programs and short or long term care for families with children from hard beginnings.

For more info click HERE

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Mental Health Services

Heartstrings Counseling is a non-profit agency providing high quality, affordable counseling and educational services to people on a budget who cannot afford regular therapy prices.

Location: Loomis


Juvo is a leading provider of behavioral health services for individuals with autism and other special needs, their families, and their surrounding community.

Location: Folsom


KidsFirst offers individual, child, and family therapy, trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy and parent child interaction therapy.

Location: Roseville, Auburn (serving Placer County only)


Koinonia Family Services specializes in trauma and adoption competent services, utilizing EMDR and TBRI.  Counseling services are available for children (as young as 2), adults, couples, and families. 

Location: Loomis

Contact: Jessica Miller, LCSW at

Lighthouse Counseling Center offers numerous individual and family counseling services including Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Attachment Based Family Therapy.

Location: Lincoln



Sometimes kids from severe trauma need a higher level of trauma care. PCTC has clinicians who are experienced with family counseling, cutting-edge trauma therapy, EMDR, and brainspotting. They do accept Victim Witness.

Location: Folsom


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Holistic Resources

holistic resources


Once you have learned the special safety guidelines required for using essential oils with your children, it is easy to help your kids reap the benefits that oils have to offer. Aromatherapy can help calm a child who is anxious or under stress, reduce nausea, discomfort and pain, and promote healthy sleep.


Kids Oil Collection

A unique collection of essential oil blends formulated with little ones in mind with the new Tamer Digestive Blend, flashcard, plus new and improved silicone toppers.

Local Consultant: Coleen Wollam    

Children in foster care are at greater risk for poor health, physical, cognitive, behavioral, and developmental outcomes than children in the general population. Considerable research links early nutrition to later cognitive and behavioral outcomes. Adding vitamins and supplements to a child's diet can greatly improve mental function and help meet normal developmental milestones. (Always consult a physician first when health issues are present)

Juice Plus

Juice Plus+ products are made from more than 40 different fruits, vegetables and grains. While Juice Plus+ isn’t a substitute for eating fruits and vegetables, their whole food-based products support a healthy diet by offering a variety of naturally occurring vitamins, along with antioxidants and phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables. 

Local Consultant: Annette Kapaona

The core elements of yoga, such as breath work, postures, and meditation, help to equip youth with skills to handle stress and trauma-responses. Trauma-informed yoga can strengthen the mind-body connection, helping to reduce over stimulation and reactivity, and encourage relaxation. Yoga can give youth the power to reclaim control of their bodies and experiences.​

Local Contact: Jena Salvi, LMFT

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The Alliance

1380 Lead Hill Blvd. #210

Roseville, CA 95661

(916) 633-1543

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© 2024 The Alliance  |  A 501(c)3 Organization

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